Monday, January 28, 2013

Fine, Fresh, F13rce

Hey friends, it has been too long! Kenz and I hope you had a happy, happy New Year and we apologize for being so behind the game. Life has been absolutely crazy for the both of us and some major changes are coming our way pretty soon! Changes like graduating high school( I cant believe we only have less than 5 months before it's here) and moving off to college! Since these two things are pretty prevalent in our lives right now I thought I would take some time to tell you what our plans are and the adventures we have had in making these decisions!

Last year, Kenz and I were juniors and every day more aware that we were growing up and college was coming soon. Like any antsy high school students, we were both lightly researching schools we were interested in but ready to take the first step, a campus visit. At this point I had spent a lot of time looking at WSU and UW and decided to make my first stop at WSU. Knowing I needed a faithful, fun sidekick for the 6 hour drive to Pullman and to giggle around a college campus with, I knew Kenz was the prime candidate. We packed up the bags, grabbed a McDonald's kids meal, and hit the road.
  Late, Late, thursday night we arrived at some dear friends house bubbling with excitement that we were hitting the college scene! The next day was a "orientation" of some sort for future students where we were able to ask questions, pick up some WSU knowledge, and tour campus. I'm pretty sure Kenz and I had way too much fun on the touring campus part. We "conveniently" scored a cute tour guy who gave us a lot of good info about the school and even though he was paid to talk up the school, we could tell he genuinely loved it and that was really important to me. Kenz and I both talk about how we want the school we go to to have a lot of school spirit and  I could tell WSU was going to fill that requirement. Almost every student I saw on campus looked happy to be there and that was really impressive.... it being Friday probably had nothing to do with that...

For me, the trip was eye-opening. WSU far surpassed my expectations and it was totally somewhere I could see my self living. The beautiful fall colors playing shadows on the rolling hills certainly helped the choice but I'm not going to say that some cute boys around campus weren't a big factor;) Anywho, I think somewhere in my heart I knew this place was going to be special, even though it was the only place I had visited, and tucked it into a special corner of my heart.
   Fast forward almost a year and WSU became one of my top choices. While I looked in to other schools, I compared everything to Pullman. I think this realization was the final push I needed to make the choice. I couldn't lie to myself anymore that this was the place I wanted to be! After getting my acceptance letter and spending some time in prayer and conversation I accepted the offer and am now a officially a WSU cougar!


But I'm not the only Twisted Sister to make a college choice! I'll let Kenz fill you guys in about her process so you'll get every nitty, gritty detail! But to clue you in, Kenz and I will be about 295 miles from each other, in some direction! That will def be a change for both of us! But dont you worry, Kenz and I will still have plenty of adventures via Skype and will of course be blogging about it!

- Abbz
#pullmanbound #cougarcountry #dontyouforgetaboutme