Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Two Pea’s in a Pod and One Pea in Particular

Hey friends, thanks for stopping by the little piece of our hearts! Today I was going to post about a particularly wonderful and disturbing adventure Kenz and I once experienced on a Friday Night Lights kind of night but I decided to surprise Kenz and post about that later (don’t worry, the epic adventure I just mentioned will be discussed another time!) Because our blog is fairly new I thought our lovely readers might want to learn a little bit more about the girls writing and who better to write about Kenz than me!
  Three years ago I walked into a new hallway and new chapter of my life, a freshman, full of new hopes, excitement, and so ready to meet new friends.  I mean, I was really, really, excited to meet new kids. You see, Kenz and I go to a very small high school that shares the same building as the middle school so at this point I had been with most of the same kids for 3 years. Anyway, I remember first glancing at McKenzie and immediately was struck by her curly, curly brown hair (post perm… don’t judge us, we both went there) and electrifying pink vest. But mostly, I was struck by her composed facial expression. Usually new kids have that squirrely, antsy expression on their face like they may pee their pants or vomit or do both at the same time… very obvious. Kenz though was different. She had such an honest, open look, like she was just happy to observe the surroundings and the dynamics before jumping right in. Naturally, I went to say hello and well to throw in a throw in a cliché but true statement “the rest is history…”
   Fast-forward three years and sometimes I can’t believe how close we are. Kenz has become my dearest friend, my soul sister. She makes me laugh like no one else, listens intently, and is always there for me. Kenz has a huge heart that is always full of love to give. Whether it is to her 3 year old sister, whom Kenz absolutely dotes on, or someone she just meets, she is quick to give her time, energy, and love. And boy can that girl listen. You may have realized this but Kenz and I are a tad… or okay, a lot chatty.  We enjoy and love the fine art of talking. But it is one thing to talk and another thing to listen and Kenz has mastered this skill. This is just one of the things I deeply admire about her. Also, she has an unshakable and inspiring faith,one that leaves me wanting to spend more of my own time with the Lord. She encourages and loves me in more ways than she knows and I am blessed that the Lord has knit our hearts together. In conclusion (lets be honest, I could go on about McKenzie forever but this post must end soon) Kenz is the smartest, most determined, sweetest, and most adventurous girl I know. She pushes me out of my comfort zone and inspires be to be better. Seriously, that girl has it all.  
  Well there you have it, that is small bit of what I have to say about the lovely Mckenzie Lauren Joner, the best of the best. I hope this gives you just a little glimpse into the girl that I will never forget and who has a way of lacing words together much better than I could dream to do. Thanks for being you Kenz.


#donttestthesebesties #kenzforthewin #thuglife

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